
Use LinkedIn Ads effectively in your company
Use LinkedIn Ads effectively in your company

LinkedIn is the world's largest social professional network, which was founded in the USA in 2002. The now impressive number of 830 million users (as of May 2022) makes LinkedIn attractive for a variety of companies to recruit professionals, promote their products and use targeted advertising in B2B. LinkedIn Ads make it possible to display precisely tailored advertising on the most attractive B2B platform to one or more target groups. Thus, LinkedIn Ads are considered indispensable in the online marketing mix for B2B companies. Find out here how you should best proceed. ... Continue reading

06 min
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) made easy – what it comes down to
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) made easy – what it comes down to

Today, it is impossible to imagine the online marketing world without sophisticated search engine marketing. Surely you have already come across the term. But what exactly does search engine marketing mean and what does it involve? We would like to give you an insight into how you can be successful with your search engine marketing for your website. ... Continue reading

12 min
Your content strategy: How value-added content works
Your content strategy: How value-added content works

A content strategy is essential if you want your website to not only be found, but also appreciated by visitors. At the core of this is always the question: What do you want to achieve with your content? In your content strategy, you define all the important steps you need to take to achieve your goals. How a strategy can look like, you can learn here. ... Continue reading

05 min
Arouse interest through product descriptions – this is how it works!
Arouse interest through product descriptions – this is how it works!

Product descriptions are essential - customers need information about products before they can even think about making a purchase. Depending on the complexity of the article, sometimes more, sometimes less text is needed on a product page to provide potential buyers with the most important information. Find out here in detail what you need to pay attention to. ... Continue reading

07 min
SEO strategy in 8 steps
SEO strategy in 8 steps

How can I make my website rank higher in Google search results? Surely you have asked yourself this question before. With a well-developed SEO strategy, however, this is not so difficult and effective in the long term. We would like to show you how you can conceptualize your own SEO strategy in just 8 steps, which is suitable for your company and your individual goals. ... Continue reading

17 min
Improve Google ranking sustainably – this is how it works
Improve Google ranking sustainably – this is how it works

In the world of search engine optimization, a lot revolves around a good ranking on Google. Everyone would like their website to appear on the first page of the search results and preferably in a good ranking. But what is this Google ranking all about and how do you get into the top positions of the search results? We would like to give you a few tips and tricks to the hand, with which you can improve your Google ranking sustainably. ... Continue reading

18 min
With your website analysis to success
With your website analysis to success

Your website is your business card on the web for your products and services. In order to remain visible to your customers on the web, an analysis of your website is necessary at regular intervals. As soon as you put your site through its paces, you should consider several factors. We explain to you what a website analysis actually is and which aspects you should pay attention to. ... Continue reading

22 min
How to get the perfect SEO audit
How to get the perfect SEO audit

Search engine optimization, i.e. the improvement of the website in order to achieve better rankings within Google and the like, has become fundamental when it comes to placing a page on the internet. But in order to even know which optimizations need to be carried out, an extensive analysis of your website is necessary. You can do this with the so-called SEO or website audit. We show you here how to perform this. ... Continue reading

15 min
Content optimization – 5 steps to better content
Content optimization – 5 steps to better content

Surely you have already come across the topic of "content" several times in the context of search engine optimization. We have summarized here what is actually hidden behind the word content and how you can optimize your existing content on your website. Without the right concept, you will achieve little improvement. ... Continue reading

12 min
Images SEO – How to optimize visual website content for search engines
Images SEO – How to optimize visual website content for search engines

Arousing emotions can be decisive when it comes to whether a user clicks or not. But when crawling through the Googlebot, exactly these are not included. For this reason, it is important to rely on images SEO to also tell the Google algorithm what the image represents and how it belongs in the context of the text. Here, we give you a guide to the most important image ranking factors, including helpful tips. This way, you will learn how to make your image content run smoothly in the future! ... Continue reading

17 min

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