Public Relations (PR) aims at the connection between the company and the public. It is meant to help build corporate relationships.
What are tasks in PR?
One of the most important tasks of a PR department is to build, maintain and nurture corporate relationships. For this field of work, a company usually has a press spokesperson or a press department. This work includes the dissemination of information, for example via journalists and editorial offices, but also the preparation and publication of press releases or company figures. Communication within the company with its own employees and external communication with business partners and potential customers is also considered an important To-Do. Another area of responsibility is increasing the company’s recognition. Through festivals, events and promotions, a company makes a name for itself with prospective customers and thus gains the opportunity to win customers in the long term.
What are the goals of PR?
Generally speaking, the goal of public relations is to make one’s own brand or company look as positive as possible to the public. The public includes partners, customers, media representatives and also one’s own employees.
What is the difference between PR and marketing?
Das primäre Ziel von Marketing ist die Vermarktung von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen des Unternehmens zur Absatzsteigerung. Ebenfalls zählt die Unterstützung des Vertriebs als eine wichtige Aufgabe. PR fällt somit in den Bereich Marketing und wird oft damit in Verbindung gebracht, allerdings sind die Ziele der beiden Aufgabenbereiche absolut unterschiedlich.
The primary goal of marketing is to market the company’s products or services in order to increase its sales. Likewise, the support of sales counts as an important task. PR thus falls into the area of marketing and is often associated with it, but the goals of the two areasof responsibilityare absolutely different.
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