Content Strategy for your SEO Success

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Our whitepaper „Content strategy for your SEO success“ contains 40 pages of free expert tips. Learn what a content strategy should look like if you want to be successful in search engine optimization. We provide you with strategies and recommendations for action as well as a variety of checklists.


In this whitepaper you will learn what is important for the different types of content from an SEO & user perspective, you will get concrete recommendations and a step-by-step guide on how to build a keyword set. Last but not least, this whitepaper explains how to distribute content to achieve more reach.

Sample Chapter

Why do you need texts for your online presence at all?

In principle, this is a legitimate question, because images, videos and products are also content. However, texts fulfill several functions as part of the content:

1. They help to be found at all on Google & Co.
The fact is: If you can’t be found on the web, you practically don’t exist. According to a 2015 study by SimilarWeb and TextMaster, direct access is the most important channel through which visitors come to a website. However, the domain must already be known for this. The second most important traffic channel is and remains the search via the browser. As a rule, only the first page is viewed and in most cases one of the first 3 results is clicked on – the user relies on the ranking of the search engines.

In order to be ranked well, your website needs – among other factors – one thing above all: text. The search engines can already recognize and evaluate images quite well, but not nearly as well as text. Through the text part of the content, the search engines understand the content of the page and can evaluate it for its relevance. Through words and phrases, in SEO jargon so-called keywords, you create exactly this relevance and show Google for which search queries of the user you want to be found.

2. They help to turn the user into a customer
Whether it’s a company website, online store or blog – anyone with an online presence wants users to visit it more than just once. In addition, an action is always desired from the user: to perceive one’s own brand, to buy something or to subscribe. And for this, the texts are important again. If they are good, they convince the user to take the desired action. They show one’s own expertise, explain products and services, offer important information or entertain. Together with images, videos and graphics, they create an overall picture that the user likes to return to because he finds exactly what he is looking for on your website.

Of course, it shouldn’t be just any text that makes up your content. It depends on their quality – and this is measured by the following 3 aspects:

  1. What is the general quality?
  2. What does the user want?
  3. What do search engines pay attention to?

The first aspect is still relatively simple, because these are objective quality factors:

Quality factors for high-value content

In addition to these content and linguistic criteria, you should also consider formal criteria, since people read very differently online than offline. We’ll get to the details of what matters in the layout of online texts later.

What users want is more difficult, because you need to know their needs. Market research studies and target group analyses can give you a first, but rather static picture. The best way to find out the current needs and interests of users is to conduct keyword research. You can use various tools to find out what users are currently searching for most frequently. If you offer content on your website that matches the search queries, you satisfy the users’ needs. Of course, not all search queries are relevant for you, but only those that are related to your offer. Therefore, when you do keyword research, it also depends on your target audience (the amount of users you want to reach). In the B2B sector, for example, the search queries are completely different than in the B2C sector. Since the topic of keyword research is as important as it is complex, we will take a closer look at it below.

And what do the search engines pay attention to? Well, Google and Co. pay attention to what users want. In addition to the relevance of a page, they therefore also evaluate user behavior and interaction with the content. With good content that pleases, the user signals are right and that leads to good placements in the SERPs. As you can see, it pays to invest in good online texts and a long-term content strategy.


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