Corporate influencers: the key to modern online marketing

03 min

The world of online marketing is changing rapidly and one of the most dynamic trends in recent years is corporate influencers. Companies are using their own employees as brand ambassadors to spread authentic and compelling messages. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the role of corporate influencers, their tasks, advantages and disadvantages and how they can be successfully integrated into a marketing strategy. Last but not least, we offer practical insights for companies and marketers.

Corporate influencer definition

Corporate influencers are employees of a company who act as brand ambassadors on social media and other online platforms. These brand ambassadors use their authenticity and credibility to positively influence the company’s image. They share their personal experiences and opinions about their workplace, thereby promoting their employer’s image and products. This strategy differs from traditional influencer marketing approaches as the ambassadors are firmly rooted in the company and offer authentic first-hand insights.

Want to know more about traditional influencer marketing approaches? Check out our eo:magazine article on this topic. 🤳

The goals of corporate influencing vary depending on the corporate strategy. In general, the aim is to

Well-known corporate influencers set standards in the industry. They inspire with their successful strategies and show how effectively corporate influencers can contribute to brand growth. These include:

Employer branding and corporate influencers
Corporate influencers play a crucial role in employer branding. They help to present the company as an attractive employer by offering authentic insights into the corporate culture and everyday working life.

Corporate influencers in practice
Examples of successful corporate influencers can be found in large companies such as Telekom, Bayer and Microsoft. Telekom, for example, relies on an ambassador program that aims to positively influence the company’s image, help and win over customers and motivate colleagues. Bayer offers its employees social media guidelines and support in setting up their channels and dealing with critical comments. Microsoft relies on tips and tricks instead of rigid rules and encourages employees to become active.

The role of trainees as corporate influencers
Younger employees, especially trainees, can play a crucial role in corporate influencer marketing. With their fresh perspective and often natural affinity for social media, trainees as corporate influencers can present the company from a unique and often innovative perspective.

Working hours and remuneration of corporate influencers

The question of corporate influencer working hours and corporate influencer salary varies from company to company. In many cases, this activity is seen as part of regular work duties. However, there are also models in which corporate influencers are paid specifically for their additional tasks.

The role of social media

Platforms such as LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter/X play a central role for corporate influencers. Here they can share their stories, interact with the community and present their company’s brand in a personal and engaging way. Examples of corporate influencers on LinkedIn show how employees can use their network to strengthen their company’s brand.

Corporate influencers: tasks and training

Main tasks

Corporate influencers have a variety of tasks. These include

They act as a link between the company and its stakeholders and help to increase brand awareness.

Training and support

Companies should prepare their corporate influencers in training sessions and convey a common understanding of the company’s values and guidelines. Training can cover topics, content aspects, handling cameras and editing programs as well as basic legal knowledge.

Advantages and disadvantages of corporate influencers

Corporate influencers offer many benefits, but there are also challenges to consider. Here are some of the main ones:

Advantages Disadvantages
Authenticity and credibilityRisk of inconsistencies in communication
Strengthening the employer brandRequires careful training and support
Direct communication with target audiencesPotential risk of misinformation
Promotes employee engagementTime and resources required
Positive impact on recruitingRisk to company reputation

Book recommendations

For more in-depth insights, there are several books on corporate influencers that offer strategies, best practices and case studies to successfully implement this concept:


Corporate influencers are a valuable resource in online marketing. Their authentic and personal way of representing the brand can significantly improve the corporate image. They offer authenticity, strengthen the employer brand and create a direct connection to target groups. Through strategic use and targeted promotion of this internal resource, companies can effectively expand their reach and influence.

Dr. Beatrice Eiring holds a doctorate in linguistics and studied German and business administration with a focus on marketing at the University of Würzburg. She is Head of Content Creation at eology GmbH and advises our customers on all content issues.

Dr. Beatrice
, Head of Content Creation +49 9381 5829015

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