SEO Strategy Sportalm traditional garb area

Challenge accepted


Sportalm’s traditional garb section was not SEO-optimized at all until July 2019. The landing pages hung in the „garb” category had no content apart from the listed products – and often a misaligned H1 headline. Sportalm was organically barely visible on Google for its great dirndls & co. Traffic and sales in the area of traditional garb only came about via brand search queries. But Sportalm also wants to sell traditional garb fashion beyond its regular customers. To do this, the company first has to become visible on Google for generic – not branded – search queries!

My goal is to make Sportalm also known online next to its focus assortment ski fashion. The beautiful and high-quality dirndls should be discovered and bought – this can only happen organically through excellent SEO performance!

, Senior SEO Consultant +49 9381 5829033
Success story


Increase in sales by 139%

The increase in traffic resulted in a higher number of transactions, which increased revenue.

60.4% more new users

Generic keyword rankings, also independent of the Sportalm brand, brought more new users to the traditional garb landing pages compared to the previous year.

16% increase in visibility

More visibility of the traditional garb directory on Google with the core competence SEO!

Let’s go


What are our relevant keywords?

In order to know the SEO potential for the traditional garb sector at all, a detailed SEO keyword potential analysis was carried out. Thereby, for each product group, e.g. dirndl or dirndl blouses, the top search results on Google were closely examined and analyzed. Relevant keywords were thereby identified for all important categories. In addition, the identified keywords were enriched with relevance-increasing keywords using the TF*IDF technique.

Keyword evaluation and prioritization

The second step was to determine the search volumes for the keywords. A SERP analysis focused on the target group helped to define the most suitable keywords. Sportalm’s USPs include the high quality and exclusivity of its products. This also influences the keyword set. Therefore, instead of keywords that are too generic, such as simply “dirndl,” more niche keywords, such as “designer dirndl” or “exclusive dirndl,” were selected. On average, fewer users search for these keywords per month, but the more niche keywords address the right target group and the CTR and conversion rate can increase as a result.

Focus of the landing pages

In addition to the content on the pages, the H1 headings and meta data were also SEO optimized. Previously, many landing pages had no real focus. Here’s an example: the landing page for “traditional jackets” simply had “jackets” as the H1 heading at the time. Thus, both the user and Google cannot recognize any connection to “traditional jackets” at all. That’s why we chose “traditional jackets” as the SEO-optimized H1 headline. Also in Title and Description often the wrong keyword focus was set.

Content Creation & internal linking

Based on the defined main and secondary keywords, SEO-optimized and user-friendly content was created for all relevant landing pages and integrated on the pages. From the content, additional internal links were set to suitable other categories. In this way, we were able to kill two birds with one stone: improving the keyword set and realizing additional ranking potential through SEO content and, at the same time, targeted distribution of link juice to relevant landing pages.

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